The Impact Of Fulvic Humic Minerals On Our Daily Life

The Impact Of Fulvic Humic Minerals On Our Daily Life

8th Oct 2024

The ecological situation on our planet leaves much to be desired. Most of the population suffers from a lack of vitamins, minerals, and essential microelements. Polluted air in cities constantly poisons our bodies, making them vulnerable to an army of pathogenic bacteria and fungi.

Even stored vegetables and fruits cannot be as healthy as possible because they are grown on hungry soils using synthetic fertilizers. But a few decades ago, they were much more prosperous and fertile, as they contained humic substances.

What Are Humic Substances?

Humic substances (humic and fulvic acids) are natural compounds with a long molecular chain. They are found in soil and moss, as well as in brown coal, silt, lignin, and sapropel. If we talk about natural humic substances and acids, they have a rather complex structure and a significant molecular weight.

Fulvic Humic minerals are formed by humus formation in the soil. Thus, nature has created a valuable storehouse of unique substances since ancient times, which have been discovered in our days.

It remains a mystery to scientists why the decomposition of organic substances in the soil does not end with the formation of water and carbon dioxide as end products. Still, at a particular stage, simple decay products turn into humic minerals and fulvic acids.

Composition Of Humic Substances

Humic acids or fulvic humic minerals have a powerful effect on any living organism due to their unique natural composition, on which all living things are built. They contain a complete set of minerals, macro and microelements, as well as:

  • Polysaccharides of natural origin
  • Fatty acids
  • Polyphenols and ketones
  • Catechins
  • Tannins
  • Isoflavonoids

Humic Minerals Area Of Application

Considering these compounds' extensive and diverse composition and numerous properties, we can name several industries where their use is justified and their effectiveness is confirmed. Humic minerals are in demand in the following areas:

1. Plant Growing

2. Animal husbandry

3. Human health improvement and cosmetology

Biological And Chemical Properties Of Fulvic Humic Minerals

Humic acid monomers are aromatic compounds with side branches and heterocycles. These organic substances have a complex structure, are common, and act as natural detoxifiers and adaptogens.

Humic fulvic minerals have a wide range of biological effects; at the same time, they are entirely safe to use, as they are environmentally friendly since the raw materials of the deep layers are untouched by manufactured civilization.

Since the early 60s, the effect of humic acids on animals has been studied, and many scientific works have been carried out. It turned out that they significantly increase the body's resistance to adverse environmental factors. The body becomes much more resilient and healthier. The polymorphism of the structure provides a variety of positive effects of humic acids on the body, be it plants or animals. Their versatile binding potential distinguishes them; therefore, they act as a mediator that significantly reduces the effect of toxic substances on the body.

Research by scientists confirms that humic acids can be used as a health-improving raw material. However, their benefits to humans are still underestimated!

The Influence Of Humic Minerals On The Human Body

These compounds have potent abilities to maintain chemical balance in the body. Humic acids are also helpful for humans because they have a powerful healing effect:

1. Suppress the Activity of Viruses

Humic acids do not allow them to penetrate cells. But these compounds also activate the immune system's defenses, resulting in faster coping with aggressors and pathogenic bacteria. Since humic acids do not allow viruses to penetrate cells, they can be used for preventive and therapeutic purposes during colds.

2. They Have Antibacterial Activity

The benefit is that humic acids destroy pathogenic microorganisms and are excreted along with toxins naturally without intoxication.

3. These Compounds Are A Powerful Enterosorbent

Compared to Medicine of this type, they act more intensively and effectively, quickly eliminating diarrhea and other digestive disorders. Humic mineral caps cover the intestinal mucosa with a protective film, preventing toxins and harmful substances from penetrating the blood. The rich composition of acids allows them to participate even in digestion, helping enzymes to break down nutrients.

4. Help in Healing Wounds

Humic acids are irreplaceable for humans if it is necessary to speed up healing wounds and ulcers. They reduce the rehabilitation period for fractures, bruises, arthritis, and arthrosis.

5. Maintain Cholesterol

Since humic acid can recognize and remove lipoproteins and cholesterol, it can be effectively used in the fight against atherosclerosis, which often causes heart attacks and other heart pathologies.

6. Anti-allergic Effect

Humic acid also has an anti-allergic effect because it binds and removes allergens from the body. Pathology symptoms pass quickly, and remission occurs for a long time. And with constant intake, complete recovery is possible.

The Use Of Fulvic Humic In Cosmetology

External use of humic acid is no less effective than internal. It is used in cosmetology for medicinal masks, baths, wraps, creams, shampoos, and soap. As a result, toxic substances are removed from the skin and provoke allergic reactions and other pathologies.

External use of humic acid-based products has the following effects:

  • Improves the overall condition of the skin
  • Relieves pain
  • Fights inflammation
  • It helps eliminate the consequences of injuries to all parts of the body: swelling hematomas, promoting their rapid healing


Organic entities that are assumed to be very fundamental in terms of soil health, plant development, and general ecosystem functions are fulvic and humic acids. They have enhanced nutrient uptake, improved soil structure, stimulated microbial activity, and, therefore, enhanced agricultural productivity and sustainability. Fulvic acid is especially known for its ability to improve the chelation of minerals, which consequently improves nutrient uptake by plants and even by human beings when supplemented. Humic acid, on the other hand, increases soil fertility to a large extent, owing to an improvement in water retention and availability of nutrients.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get humic acid naturally?

Humic acids are organic polymers that, in nature, are located in soils, peats, oceans, and fresh waters. The only origin of humic acids is the layers of sedimentation known as Leonardite. The layers were once buried deep in the earth's crust, but over thousands of years, they were exhumed to near-surface location.

What is the best source of humic acid?

Soft Brown Coal, also called Leonardite, is one of the best sources for Humic Acid.