
The Amazing Benefits of Fulvic and Humic


Fulvic/Humic extracts are a concentrated blend of all the minerals and trace elements found in an immense array of ionic plants. Fulvic/Humic balances and energizes all cell life and biological properties it comes into contact with, assists with the neutralization of free radicals, and supports normal cell function.

When consumed, Humic/Fulvic absorbs high levels of all the living nutrients it comes in contact with, which both increases the speed of biochemical reactions in the body, as well as making those reactions more efficient and effective. When fulvic and/or humic is present in the body, it "complexes and dissolves" nutrients (from both food and supplements) into the simplest ionic form, ready to be utilized by the body. Nutrients are absorbed at a higher rate by the fulvic/humic electrolyte and become bio-chemically reactive and mobile.

Fulvic and humic essentially prepare nutrients to inter-react with each other and extends the time those same nutrients are available to cells. In simple terms, fulvic/humic supercharges nutrients and changes them to a form that makes them ready to be fully absorbed by living cells.

Since fulvic/humic easily passes through cell membranes, it transports these dissolved nutrients right into the cells. It can transport many times its own weight (up to 60x) in dissolved nutrients and elements, allowing a greater volume of nutrients to go to work in cells. It conditions cell membranes and makes them permeable so nutrients can more easily enter the cell. This permeability also allows toxic waste to leave the cells more readily. Fulvic/Humic assists all healthy cell function. Healthy cells are the foundation of vibrant well-being.

Because of all the reactions Fulvic/Humic enable, the benefits are extensive: 

  • Provides cell protection from free radicals
  • Replenishes key electrolytes
  • Transports up to 60x its own weight in nutrients directly into cells
  • Helps enhance the body's ability to detoxify and remove harmful compounds
  • Enhances cellular energy
  • Promotes restful sleep
  • Provides cognitive support
  • Helps support healthy immune function
  • Alkalizing minerals assist proper pH and healthy oxygenation levels
  • Supports already normal glucose metabolism and overall metabolic health
  • Boosts enzyme activity and extends the time nutrients remain active in the body
  • Decreases food cravings linked to mineral deficiency
  • Supports healthy hormone balance
  • Supports normal cell function


Improve Gut Health With Humic

Humic minerals bind in the gut to move food through the intestines, and pull-out fecal blockage, spent pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food additives, chlorine, and other toxic matter.  It is literally Mother Nature's healthy Roto-Rooter.

The beauty of Humic is that all the while it is detoxifying and cleaning, it is performing healing tasks throughout the system.  It is excellent for keeping immune response in check, and its polysaccharide content makes it a phenomenal pre-biotic by supporting good bacteria, enhancing enzyme production, boosting immune function, providing hormone support, and giving strength to cell membranes.  Pre-biotics are what feed pro-biotics

Improved hydration

Advanced cell permeability also enhances hydration of cells.  When fulvic is present water is able to enter cells at an above normal rate.  Better cell hydration has far reached benefits; increased blood volume oxygenates cells, hydrated cells improve muscle contraction and better lubrication of joints, it promotes supple and more elastic skin and bolsters proper kidney function for toxin removal.  Better hydration helps water to bind with fiber in the large intestine to "keep things moving" properly.   Even moods and emotional wellbeing are improved with better hydration.

Fulvic / Humic works whether you're healthy or not

Absorption and utilization of fulvic/humic once it is consumed is not dependent on a particular healthy state of digestion, alkalinity, or oxygenation. It can’t be damaged, restricted, or its benefits minimized by any unhealthy condition within the body. It is immediately and fully utilized, with its significant effects enhancing every system of the body.

Fulvic/Humic is so complex, that, although there have been many attempts, it has never been successfully recreated in any laboratory. This ionic substance is the essence of nature’s synergy. Extracting and bottling Fulvic/Humic is fundamentally a powerful way of concentrating the healthful vitality contained within life-giving, pure organic food.


What about heavy metals 

Fulvic / Humic is scientifically classified as "Vegetal bio-mass minerals" and does not contain any heavy metals. Since every single mineral within fulvic/humic comes from plants, the body readily recognizes them and immediately assimilates them; the same as it would assimilate the various minerals found in broccoli, lettuce, or fruit for example. 

Being ionic, plant-based minerals are fully utilized by the body. Metallic and clay-based minerals are in a form that the body may not fully assimilate which may cause the rejected "mineral residue" to be stored in fatty tissue as a toxin. This is the concern that is most common to the public and is based on information that does not distinguish between a plant based and a metallic/clay based mineral form. There have been no known adverse effects of mineral toxicity from fruits and vegetables, even though they all contain a wide variety of minerals that are erroneously thought to be dangerous.

Ionic minerals set in motion a variety of chemical reactions which allow vitamins and other essential nutrients to fuel our bodies. Without the proper form of mineral, these reactions are unable to take place, making it unlikely your body will absorb and use the vitamins it needs.