
Are HDPE plastic bottles safe?


About Vital Earth's bottles: HDPE

The specific type of bottles Vital Earth uses are made of an organic composition, are certified by the FDA, and are approved under the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard. They do NOT contain BPA (Bisphenol-A), and are not made from polycarbonate, polystyrene, phthalates, or polyvinyl chloride.

Vital Earth Minerals' bottles are HDPE (High Density Polyethylene); they are recommended by The Green Guide and are certified safe and guaranteed NOT to transfer anything toxic into the product because they don't contain anything toxic. In fact, the Green Guide even recommends HDPE for baby bottles - that's how safe they are.

In independent lab tests done by certified facilities, HDPE has passed rigorous testing using acid leaching agents, in extreme high heat conditions. HDPE was found to be so non-reactive that no chemicals, toxins, or foreign materials whatsoever, in any form, were detected in the contents of the bottle. This isn't surprising since the composition of the bottle does not contain any of these things.

HDPE bottles come from technology developed specifically to deal with the issue of transference of toxins from the bottle to the consumable product it contains. Rigorous documented testing of HDPE bottles under the most extreme circumstances has proved this again and again. HDPE bottles are made from polyethylene, or polypropylene, NOT polycarbonate.

So, how safe are they? Completely! It would be impossible to find any concrete, scientific, documented evidence that HDPE bottles pose any risk at all - because they are documented to be safe.


Are All Plastics Bad?

We have encountered some misinformation that we think consumers should be aware of. A couple of our competitor websites are saying that liquid supplements bottled in plastics are absorbing the toxins from the plastic, and these toxins are then being ingested by unknowing consumers. This is simply false, inaccurate, irresponsible, and clearly uninformed.

Here's why:

Dangerous and harmful plastic containers are made of polycarbonate, or polyvinyl chloride, and contain an additive called Bisphenol A (BPA). But not all plastics contain BPA. There is another class of plastic, used specifically for consumables, which are made of entirely different components, all of which are non-toxic. This non-toxic type of plastic is called HDPE. You can be certain that no toxins will ever be leached from these types of bottles because no toxic materials are contained in their composition. HDPE bottles do NOT contain any BPA.

HDPE is the type of bottles used for all Vital Earth's liquid supplements, as well as 90% of all health food store products. This is not new. Reputable supplement manufacturers have been protecting consumers against harmful BPA for years now. To repeat, there is no BPA in Vital Earth Minerals' bottles.

We'll admit that BPA is so widely used in modern life that it is appalling. But you can be assured that our bottles are at least one place you will NOT find it.

If any other manufacturer disputes this information, please ask them to show you the specific scientific studies that show Bisphenol-A, polycarbonate, or polyvinyl chloride is in the composition of HDPE bottles. All plastics are not alike.


BPA and acidity

Yes, BPA is highly dangerous and should be avoided, but there is another menacing aspect of BPA that is now being recognized. This is the reaction caused when high acidity foods come in contact with BPA. High acidity foods draw BPA out of polycarbonate, or polyvinyl chloride containers and directly into the food itself. (Remember there is NO BPA in HDPE containers).

Before we go any further, we would like to remind, and assure, our customers that all Vital Earth mineral products are alkaline, not acidic. This is one of the unique features of Vital Earth's minerals. Many of our competitor's mineral products are highly acidic due to their harsh chemical processing methods used during extraction.

So, the acidity level of a product is also a factor in considering what type of packaging must be used for the optimum safety of consumers. This is why there is so much controversy about acidic foods, such as tomatoes, in cans with the white resin (BPA) liner. Acidic products are at an especially high risk of drawing more of the BPA into the food from the white resin lining of the can.

To recap:

  • All Vital Earth products are bottled in HDPE bottles (BPA free)
  • All Vital Earth minerals are alkaline - not acidic