Humic Acid: Nature’s Hidden Organic Treasure

Humic Acid: Nature’s Hidden Organic Treasure

3rd Oct 2024

Maintaining a healthy body in the present world is very challenging due to continuously degrading environmental conditions and using products laden with chemicals in food items. Modern agriculture practices are undertaken mainly by applying synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and preservatives, which may leave dangerous remnants in our food. Apart from this, there needs to be better quality of the environment, soil, and nutrient degradation in crops, which increases the difficulty of getting all the required nutrients in the body for health.

Today, humic minerals have entered the stage to answer growing concerns. Humic acids, being natural fractions extracted as a result of the decomposition of organic matter in soil, have been known for many years to provide positive effects on both plant growth and soil health. Today, however, science has lately revealed that these humic acids can bring great health benefits to human beings. They act as a leading form of antioxidants and detoxifiers, due to which the body is able to negate harmful toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants. Humic acids also enhance nutrient uptake by maximizing the body's efficiency at taking in much-needed vitamins and blended minerals, which are normally lacking in the diets of most contemporary beings.

Protect Your Body from Toxins and Pollution –

What Is Humic Acid?

Humic acids are biological compounds of natural origin. Their appearance ensures the soil decomposition of dead plant parts and other organic substances.

Humic acid salts are difficult to break down in an aqueous environment. They do not dissolve but retain their structure in its original form.

These acids are present in the humus layer of the earth. In small quantities, they are found in plants and other plant substances. They can be found in the meat of animals whose diet is based on plant feed.

Natural Benefits Of Humic Acid

In an organic environment, humic acids are important for plants and animals as a natural bioactive supplement. It contains many useful elements, minerals and vitamins (about seventy different types).

Compared to simpler compounds, humic acids consist of a larger number of types of bioactive substances. They can simultaneously affect both cells and their environment. It increases their healing properties several times.

  • Humic acid has a wide range of effects. Therefore, it has a beneficial effect on all vital systems of every living organism.
  • In addition, humic acids are a wonderful natural antiseptic. Their action involves capturing salts of heavy metals, free radicals and other toxic substances. Thus, they improve the health of the soil and the body of all living beings.

Researchers have managed to obtain humic acid salts artificially. Coal contains some humates. During industrial waste processing from the coal industry, part of the acid is synthesized in laboratory conditions. After this, it is kept in a special physiological solution with a composition similar to the topsoil.

They obtain valuable materials for agricultural use, land improvement, and cleaning contaminated areas. The properties of artificially extracted humate are the same as those of the natural substance.

Biochemical Characteristics

The composition of humic acid may vary slightly. It will depend on the location, type of soil and plant residues. However, all these substances are distinguished by a special set of chemical compounds and complex molecules. This set is used to determine the humic acids themselves.

How Are Humic Minerals Useful For Humans?

These valuable mineral blends have many useful characteristics and healing properties. We suggest you familiarize yourself with the action of humic acids in the table below in more detail.

Promotes Activation of Protein and Nucleic Acid Metabolism

The main role of nucleic acids in our body is to store and transmit genetic data at the cellular level. Proteins are the main component of all intracellular chemical processes and the basis of nucleic acids.

All cells need nutrition and energy to function healthily. Organic substances can provide this. When inside the human body, nutrients undergo 3 stages of breakdown before absorption. That is, during the energy exchange process, the product is broken down into molecules. After this, it is absorbed at the cellular level.

Promotes Normal Functioning of Cell Membranes

The membrane is a cell wall that separates cells from other cells and protects them from the external environment. It consists of several layers, all of which have different strengths and perform different functions. Nutrients and oxygen enter the cell through the membrane, leaving waste products.

They are a conductor between the cell and the environment, protecting harmful organisms. Thus, the membrane's health guarantees the cell's normal functioning.

Activators of Ion Exchange

During the breakdown of organic food products into their constituents, small parts, molecules and compounds are produced in the human body. Some of them are suitable for absorption by the cell, while others are not. Ion exchange helps to separate some elements from others, ensuring their purification.

Belonging to the Group of Organic Sorbents

The word "sorb" means "to absorb." Sorbents can absorb and retain various elements and chemical compounds. In the agricultural industry, humic acid is actively used to cleanse the soil of all kinds of contaminants.

Thus, it also acts on living organisms. However, humic acids ensure the removal of harmful elements at the cellular level, which cannot be said about other adsorbents.

Application Of Humic Acids In Medicine

The natural origin ensures that humic acids are completely safe for humans.

They are actively used in various medical fields:

  1. therapy of pathologies,
  2. eliminating inflammation caused by bacteria,
  3. for problems with metabolism,
  4. toxic poisoning.

There are 3 methods of using substances: oral (ingested), external, and subcutaneous. For an easy and precise way to measure humic acids, check out the  Vital Earth shot glass.

Note: Various laboratory and clinical studies have been conducted on the harmful effects of humates. Based on these tests, it can be concluded that humic acids have no side effects and do not have a dangerous impact on human health.

Medicines containing humic acids are used for the following ailments:

  1. Disorders of the digestive system, diarrhea, and problems with intestinal peristalsis (contraction of the walls, which promotes the formation and removal of feces from the body).
  2. Heals damaged skin and sutures after surgery.
  3. It reduces inflammation of the epidermis and subcutaneous layers.
  4. They help neutralize pathogenic bacteria and disease-causing organisms of various types.
  5. They normalize hematopoiesis and improve and cleanse the blood composition.
  6. Improving the functioning of the immune system increases the body's protective barrier.
  7. It suppresses the growth of degenerated cancer cells due to the ability to act on damaged cells that attack healthy ones.
  8. Replenishes iron levels to combat anemia.
  9. They remove toxic substances from the body that a person receives from the polluted atmosphere, such as slags, nitrates, insecticides, cholesterol, heavy metal salts, and phosphates.
  10. Actively remove radioactive substances and free radicals from the body.

Use Of Humic Acids In Cosmetology

Humic acid is found in the components of cosmetic sprays, peels, masks, lotions, therapeutic muds, and creams. They actively fight free radicals that destroy collagen and intensively oxidize surrounding molecules.

Preparations with humic acids in their composition prevent oxidation, normalize collagen levels, help increase the elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, restore hair structure, and stimulate hair growth.

Humic acid products are produced as bioactive additives, medicinal shampoos, and other cosmetic products.


Humic acids have become natural, effective solutions to modern environmental challenges and chemical-laden food negativity. Organic compounds have also become powerful allies of well-being and body protection against toxins, thanks to the activation of detoxification and improved nutrient absorption and overall gain in health.

Frequently Asked Questions

In what ways do humic acids benefit human health?

Humic acids bind themselves to the toxins, heavy metals, and pollutants within the body, making it easier to remove them and detoxify the body. It also enhances the absorption of nutrients in the body. It plays a role in the function of the immune system and healthy digestion.

Are humic acids safe for daily use?

It is basically safe when taken in proper dosage through dietary supplements. Nevertheless, consulting a healthcare professional beforehand is always best when planning on taking any supplement.