
Our extraction process


The extraction process used by Vital Earth Minerals is difficult and lengthy, involving a minimum of 20 to 30 days per batch, using nothing but cool, purified water. Very few manufacturers are willing, or capable of undergoing this drawn-out, complicated filtering process, which is why harsh chemicals like fluoride, high heat and pressure extrusion are used by others; it takes a lot of time to extract Humic and fulvic in a non-destructive way.

Our mineral products are made from vegetal biomass Humate.  This Humate contains over 70-plus minerals that were naturally complexed into the Humate structure during the ancient geological natural process of becoming humate; which is also known as Lignite and shilajit.  


Our raw material vegetal biomass humate is tested by an independent 3rd party lab prior to use, including careful inspection for adulterants and contaminants.

Then, we take this natural Humate, steep it in purified, cold water until the Humate settles to the bottom.  This liquid that is found at the top of the vat then proceeds through extensive filtering processes and is eventually bottled.    

We are not adding specific amounts of any minerals but are simply bottling the steeped liquid derived from Humate.   It is comprised of a wide array of natural minerals contained in the structure of humate, in the trace amounts found naturally in the original Humate.   

All finished product undergoes extensive micro bacterial testing and is quarantined until all tests come back. (We've never failed a test by the way!)    Our facility is cGMP and FDA certified. 

Vital Earth's proprietary process preserves and protects the precious humic and fulvic at every stage. We have not added any vile tasting chemicals, so flavoring is unnecessary. We like to say, “completely natural from the Earth to the bottle”.

It should be noted that Humate/Lignite sources within the US are limited in number and are regional. Although the supply is absolutely abundant, Humic/Lignite is only located in a few isolated places in the US. Because of this limited regional availability, many manufacturers are getting their Humate from the very same source. So, you can see, what sets products apart, and the truly important key as to whether the product will be beneficial is what has happened in the processing...

If a manufacturer's Lignite, humic or fulvic has gone through any process other than filtering with cool water or is flavored or sweetened (generally to hide the taste of chemicals), it is advisable to get more in-depth information about the reason for this.


Not All Fulvic Products on the Market Are Alike - Harsh Processing Kills Fulvic


Some products tout a high mineral concentration which is misleading to consumers. This is because they have chemically extracted high levels of isolated minerals but have killed the fulvic in the process.  This type of harsh extraction produces a mineral product with unhealthy acidity levels reaching as low as 2.0 pH, plus you are consuming the chemical residue.

Vital Earth's Gentle Extraction Method

At the end of a very lengthy, proprietary extraction procedure, using nothing but cold, double reverse osmosis, non-chlorinated, magnetically purified fluoride-free water, 80% of the nutrients from the original humic source, which includes a high concentration of fulvic, become suspended in solution in a large vat.

This "suspended" mineral-rich fulvic solution is then siphoned off the top of the vat. It then continues through another series of filtering stages, further isolating the fulvic through each stage. Finally, the finished fulvic is at last bottled in its purest form. What customers are getting is “100% fulvic in solution," carefully extracted from the rich humic source material.

The dregs in the bottom of the vat still contain a few nutrients. Because this is fantastic for plants, we give ours to farmers to put on their fields. Unfortunately, some manufacturers sell this byproduct to consumers or use it over and over to create multiple batches.... kind of like selling someone a used tea bag.   All the most valuable nutrients have already been extracted in the first batch.

The reason our Fulvic is so beneficial is our proprietary extraction method.   We do everything possible during the extraction process to preserve the precious Fulvic because that is the ingredient that brings our customers such amazing health benefits.  Also, we are one of the few mineral manufacturers to offer a 100% fulvic product.  Our proprietary method of extracting only the Fulvic out of the Humic source material is unique in the market.